Thursday, September 5, 2019

My Next Camera

Right now I'm using the A99ii as my primary camera and the A99 as a secondary camera. The A99 is showing its years and doesn't really do well in low light situations.
So, should I get another A99ii or should I start planning for the next camera? Do I even like the smaller e-mount bodies? To be honest if an A99iii came out tomorrow I might eventually be tempted to buy it. That said, no new A-mount camera will probably ever be made.
Recently the A7rIV came out with a better grip, making it a cool camera to look to if and when I will make my new purchase. That said, not only don't I need the 61 Megapixels that it's packing, to be honest I don't even need the current 42 Megapixels that my A99ii has. Experience has shown that starting from ISO 800 it doesn't really matter that you have all these megapixels. It's just clogs out your hard drive without providing any actual benefits. The extra megapixels are useful to landscape and studio photographers that have the need for large prints. A lot of my clients don't even print at all.
So, what would I spend my money on? Perhaps the future A9ii? Hard to tell. I definitely don't need 20fps. That means that if and when Sony comes out with a A7IV I might get that one after a while, even though it's the "low end" one. If it come with 36 Megapixels that would be perfect.
For now this is all speculation and I will probably buy something after its been on the market for a while, perhaps get a good deal on a used body.

Update: Now aiming to purchase the A7rIV in late April to coincide with my birthday. Of course, that will depend on my ability to save money to buy it. Right now it seems like I would be able to pull it off, but life sometimes happens when you're making plans.
Of course I will need to buy some batteries and the LE-EA4 converter to be able to mount my current A-Mount lenses on it. Eventually I will want native lenses so will also have to start saving money for future lenses. Hoping that some video work will pay for all of this.
I will probably also need to change the name of this blog, after years of shooting with the A99 and the A99ii. I think it will be good to have an e-mount camera so that my blog will appeal to more people.

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